
The 19th Annual Toronto Gala

The 19th Annual Toronto Gala honoured and celebrated the 2017 Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame: Lifetime Achievement Inductee, Herb Belcourt and the 4th National Youth Aboriginal Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipient, Isabell Ringenoldus (TAWS Security). Both awards are founded and exclusively sponsored by ESS Support Services Worldwide, a division of Compass Group.

2017 Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame: Lifetime Achievement Inductee, Herb Belcourt.

Click here to read bio.

4th National Youth Aboriginal Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipient, Isabell Ringenoldus (TAWS Security).

Click here to read bio.

’93 CCAB Award Recipient, Angela DeMontigny is an internationally-renowned, native Canadian designer (Cree/Metis).

Click here to read bio.

Master of Ceremonies, Wab Kinew.

Click here to read bio.

Thank you to our sponsors

Lead Sponsor

Founder and Exclusive Award Sponsor

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Supporting Sponsors



5:30 pm Registration and networking reception – Grand Foyer
6:30 pm Gala dinner – The Ritz-Carlton Ballroom
8:30 pm Entrepreneur of the Year Award Presentation
9:00pm Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation
9:30pm Closing remarks and event to conclude

Venue Address

The Ritz-Carlton

181 Wellington Street West

Toronto, ON M5V 3G7

Registration Information

Ticket Level
CCAB Aboriginal Business Members*: $315.00
CCAB Members (Individual): $685.00
CCAB Members (Table of 10): $6,850.00
Non-Members (Individual): $775.00
Non-Members (Table of 10): $7,750.00

*Maximum two (2) tickets purchased at the Aboriginal Business Member rate, limited availability. Defined as Aboriginal Business owned and operated by 51% or more Aboriginal person(s). If you are unsure whether your company is registered as a member or not, please visit the CCAB Membership Directory for more information. 


The CCAB has reserved a number of rooms for Gala attendees until January 7th, 2017. Book today!

By Phone: Call 1-800-241-3333 and quote “Canadian Council”

For online reservations, click HERE. Click RESERVE NOW and enter code: CDCCDCA

Sponsorship information

Get noticed, sponsor a CCAB event! Sponsorship opportunities are now available. Sponsorship of events is a main source of revenue for the CCAB which contributes to our day-to-day operations, enables us to continue to deliver quality programs, and provide platforms for discussion, knowledge sharing, understanding, and potential business opportunities between Canadian businesses and Aboriginal entrepreneur’s & communities.

JOIN US in our mission to foster sustainable business relations between First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people and Canadian business.

Please contact Lynda Keith to learn more about sponsoring this event.