
Toronto Metropolitan University – Aboriginal Student Services

Charitable/Non Profit Organization || Consulting || Education

About Toronto Metropolitan University - Aboriginal Student Services

Aboriginal Initiatives is one of the units that make up the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI). Led by Monica McKay, the unit provides assistance and support to the Aboriginal community at Toronto Metropolitan University, working to foster successful and meaningful academic experiences without barriers.

We build internal and external partnerships with Toronto Metropolitan University students, faculty, staff and the broader Aboriginal community in order to advance the priorities of the Aboriginal Education Council. These priorities include student success, teaching, learning, research, community engagement and capacity building. A relational model with an emphasis on listening, analysis, advising and collaboration is used as a foundation to achieve our goals.

Aboriginal Initiatives is represented on a number of committees and working groups to advance Aboriginal education. We offer advice, share experience and expertise to develop strategies, initiatives and programming whose priorities include access for the Canadian Indigenous student population at Toronto Metropolitan University, and fostering collaboration and partnerships with the wider Indigenous communities.

Our team provides support for students through events and programming organized by Toronto Metropolitan University Aboriginal Student Services. The team also runs a number of services, including the Aboriginal Student Centre.

Keywords: Aboriginal, Indigenous, Education, Collaboration, Advisory


Contact Name: Cher Trudeau
Job Title: Administrative Coordinator
Email Address: cktrudeau@ryerson.ca
Phone Number: 416-979-5000 554636


Office Address
350 Victoria Street, Kerr Hall West 389
Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada