
Copper Springs Health and Safety Consulting Inc.

Consulting || Health Care || Professional Services

About Copper Springs Health and Safety Consulting Inc.

Copper Springs Health and Safety Consultants Inc. is an Aboriginal-owned, Saskatchewan-based consulting firm specializing in the development of Occupational Health and Safety strategies and solutions to protect from loss for our clients.
Our Team includes:

  • Canadian Registered Safety Professionals
  • Certified Health and Safety Consultants
  • Occupational Health Nurses
  • Health and Safety Advisors
  • Competent Occupational Health Testers

We offer ready access to professional, comprehensive, and creative Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) assistance. Our passionate consultants pride themselves on being innovative while working in collaboration with our clients. The principle of managing risk is the base of all our work – this can prevent loss to People, Equipment, Machinery, Process, and the Environment.

We provide support to companies, large and small, in the areas of Mining, Manufacturing/Processing, Industry, Gas and Oil, Health Care, Construction, Wholesale/Retail, Municipal, Transportation, Warehousing, Crown Corporations and Utilities. We also offer our services to Movie, Television, Commercial, and Media Producers

Keywords: occupational health, safety, occupational health and safety, OHS compliance, OHS consulting, OHS consultants


Contact Name: Val Foulds MacLeod
Job Title: President/CEO
Email Address: val@coppersprings.ca
Phone Number: 306-229-3100


Office Address:

PO Box 1957
Esterhazy, SK
S0A 0X0, Canada