Digital Differences: The Impact of Automation on the Indigenous Economy
Published: July 6, 2020
Indigenous entrepreneurs and workers have made enormous strides in starting
business, forming credit and lending organizations for Indigenous business-operators,
and increasing the number of Indigenous employees in employment. Nonetheless,
several reports indicate that automation may disproportionately impact Indigenous
workers. This report investigates at a more granular level how technological change,
specifically automation, will affect Indigenous workers by industry and region across
Canada. This research builds on previous work that examined the implications of
automation in Canada generally, and on Indigenous workers in specific industries
abroad, by applying their methods to understand the impact of automation on
Indigenous workers in Canada.

For more information, contact:
Matthew Foss
VP, Research & Public Policy
416-961-8663 Ext 237
Angela Mark
Director, Research
416-961-8663 Ext 829