
Reopening and Recovery

Preparing Your Business for Reopening

  1. Physical Distancing

  2. Hand Hygiene

  3. Cleaning & Disinfecting

  4. Screening and Communication

  5. Preparing the Workplace

  6. Health and Safety Controls for Employers and Management

Learn more

POST: People Outside Safely Together

The “POST Promise” is a voluntary commitment that business owners and managers can make by following five key public health actions that will help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  1. Maintaining physical distance

  2. Washing and sanitizing hands

  3. Cleaning and disinfecting regularly

  4. Staying home if unwell and self-monitoring for symptoms

  5. Practicing respiratory etiquette (including wearing a mask when physical distancing is difficult)

By displaying the “POST Promise” logo, participating businesses can reassure customers that they are doing their part to help protect Canadians’ health and safety.

Learn more

Provincial/Territorial Guidelines for businesses


Link: https://www.alberta.ca/guidance-documents.aspx

An optional relaunch considerations plan template is available to help business determine the steps they should take when reopening:

Download in English (DOCX, 49 KB)

Download in French (DOCX, 51 KB)


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The province of Ontario has made a gradual approach to lifting the remaining public health and workplace safety measures by March 2022. The plan will be guided by the ongoing assessment of key public health and health care indicators and supported by local or regional tailored responses to COVID-19.

Ontario will slowly and incrementally lift all remaining public health and workplace safety measures, including the provincial requirement for proof of vaccination and wearing face coverings in indoor public settings, over the next six months. This phased approach will be guided by the ongoing assessment and monitoring of key public health and health system indicators, such as the identification of any new COVID-19 variants, increases in hospitalizations and ICU occupancy and rapid increases in transmission to ensure that public health and workplace safety measures are lifted safely.

In the absence of concerning trends, public health and workplace safety measures will be lifted on the following dates:

  • October 25, 2021
    • Ontario will lift capacity limits in the vast majority of settings where proof of vaccination are required, such as restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments, indoor areas of sports and recreational facilities such as gyms and where personal physical fitness trainers provide instruction; casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments; and indoor meeting and event spaces.
    • At this time, the government will also allow other settings to lift capacity limits and physical distancing requirements if they choose to require proof of vaccination.
    • This will not apply to settings where people receive medical care, food from grocery stores and medical supplies. 
  • November 15, 2021
    • The government intends to lift capacity limits in the remaining higher-risk settings where proof of vaccination is required, including food or drink establishments with dance facilities.
  • January 17, 2022
    • In the absence of concerning trends in public health and health care following the winter holiday months and after students returned to in-class learning, the province intends to begin gradually lifting capacity limits in settings where proof of vaccination is not required.
    • Proof of vaccination requirements may also begin to be gradually lifted at this time.
  • February 7, 2022
    • The government intends to lift proof of vaccination requirements in high-risk settings, including night clubs, strip clubs, and bathhouses and sex clubs.
  • March 28, 2022
    • At this time, it is intended that remaining public health and workplace safety measures will be lifted, including wearing face coverings in indoor public settings.

Find out more.