
Talent IQ

Consulting || Employment/Training || Professional Services

About Talent IQ

Recruit Faster.  Hire Better.

People are the single most important drivers of every company’s success. That makes talent acquisition one of the most important, if not the most important, function of every company.


At Talent IQ, we help businesses be talent ready for today and tomorrow.

We are talent acquisition experts who want to share our knowledge working at top recruitment consulting firms with small and medium-sized enterprises in search of meaningful and sustainable results.

A team that will help you better align your organization, develop a strategic recruitment function and increase talent loyalty to drive your performance, generate sustained growth and give you an undeniable competitive advantage.

Hire with efficiency and intelligence, thanks to the expertise of Talent IQ.


Our services are tailored based on the nature and urgency of your needs.

Depending on your situation and the degree of depth of intervention needed, our approach includes one or more of the following elements: strategic diagnosis, building a clear roadmap and developing and executing a simple yet focused action plan.

Assess your recruitment practices in 5 minutes! CLICK HERE



Contact Name: Brigitte Skeene
Job Title: Co-founder
Email Address: brigitte@talentiq.ca
Phone Number: 514-718-3242


Office Address

26 Rue Dufferin
Hampstead, QC
H3X 2X6, Canada