

British Columbia
Computer Programming/Website Services || Telecommunications

About OneFeather

OneFeather is an Indigenous technology company started in 2014, planting seeds of sovereignty in the digital era. Founded by Lawrence Lewis (We Wai Kai Nation), OneFeather offers services for:

+ Online Status Card Services
+ Wallet APP C PAY Banking Solutions and Mass Disbursements
+ Voting C Digital Voting for Nations Elections
+ Nations Services: governance C consulting, policy C law making, membership registrar management C engagement, voting management, elections estimator tool
+ Tailored Subscriptions

OneFeather supports over 289 First Nations, Metis and Inuit across the country, with 370,000+ memberships managed, and helps to provide Indigenous peoples with safe, barrier free access to their rights and entitlements.

Keywords: Digital Technology


Contact Name: Lawerence Lewis
Job Title: CEO & Founder
Email Address: Lawrence@onefeather.ca
Phone Number: 250-384-8200


Office Address

209-852 Fort Street
Victoria, BC
V8W 1H2, Canada