
Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Northwest Territories
Energy Generation & Transmission

About Northwest Territories Power Corporation

The Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) is the primary power producer in the Northwest Territories.

NTPC serves a population of 43,000 people spread across 1.1 million square kilometres. We distribute electricity to end-use consumers in 26 of the 33 communities in the NWT and supply electricity on a wholesale basis to two distributing utilities. NTPC’s assets include hydroelectric, diesel, and LNG (liquefied natural gas) generation plants, transmission systems and numerous isolated electrical distribution systems. NTPC also owns and operates alternative energy assets used for the supply of residual heat, solar power and co-generation. NTPC is a wholly owned subsidiary of NT Hydro, which in turn is 100 percent owned by the Government of the Northwest Territories.

Our commitment to safety is at the core of all of our operations and activities. With more than 200 employees based in communities across the NWT, we are keenly aware of our responsibility to deliver reliable and affordable power that encourages living and investing here.



Contact Name: Doug Prendergast
Job Title: Manager, Communications
Email Address: dprendergast@ntpc.com
Phone Number: 867-874-5202


Office Address

4 Capital Drive
Hay River, NT
X0E 1G2, Canada