
Kamamak Consulting

Consulting || Education || Employment/Training || Professional Services

About Kamamak Consulting

Kamamak Consulting is a grassroots Company in Northern Manitoba, which is offering different gatherings/workshops consisting of:

3 Hours – Blanket Exercise,

1 Day – Understanding Trauma, and Its Impact

1 Day – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

2 Day – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

2 Day – Time Honoured Parenting

2 Day Self Esteem (What About Me)

Kamamak Consulting is 100% owned and led by Marian Paul who is a Metis woman belonging to the Blueberry clan of Manitoba.  As an Indigenous person, Marian Paul has a passion combined with learned experience. Marian has been offering workshops/gatherings for over 33 years and comes with a wealth of knowledge.

Marian is a survivor. Marian is a disabled Indigenous woman, who wants to guide people forward by acknowledging the truth and healing together. Marian wants her two FASD Indigenous Grandsons, that she has been raising for the last three years, to experience a better life as a Canadian, like others have experienced living in Canada.

Keywords: Workshops, Virtual and In-Person, Blanket Exercises,, Understanding Trauma and its Effects, Time Honoured Parenting, Self Esteem


Contact Name: Marian Paul
Job Title: Owner
Email Address: info@kamamakconsulting.ca
Phone Number: 1-120-468-0661


Office Address
34 Anderson Ave
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 0A5, Canada