
Independent Electricity System Operator

Energy Generation & Transmission

About Independent Electricity System Operator

The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) works at the heart of Ontario’s power system. The IESO delivers key services across the electricity sector including: managing the power system in real-time, planning for the province’s future energy needs, enabling conservation and designing a more efficient electricity marketplace to support sector evolution.

The IESO delivers funding programs to promote broad equitable participation in Ontario’s energy sector, including Electricity Support Programs specifically intended for Indigenous communities in Ontario.  These programs support community capacity building, including energy planning and renewable energy project development, as well as the building of energy knowledge and awareness, and skills related to energy projects.



Contact Name: Stephanie Aldersley
Job Title: Supervisor, Indigenous Relations
Email Address: IndigenousRelations@ieso.ca


Office Address

1600-120 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1T1, Canada