
Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada

Architecture/Engineering || Charitable/Non Profit Organization

About Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada

Engineers Canada upholds the honour, integrity, and interests of the engineering profession by supporting consistent high standards in the regulation of engineering, encouraging the growth of the profession in Canada, and inspiring public confidence. For over 80 years, we have worked on behalf of the provincial and territorial associations that regulate engineering practice and license the country’s 300,000 members of the engineering profession.

Our work is focused on 10 core purposes, as established by Engineers Canada’s members, the engineering regulators:

  1. Accrediting undergraduate engineering programs.
  2. Facilitating and fostering working relationships between and among the regulators.
  3. Providing services and tools that enable the assessment of engineering qualifications, foster excellence in engineering practice and regulation, and facilitate mobility of practitioners within Canada.
  4. Offering national programs.
  5. Advocating to the federal government.
  6. Actively monitoring, researching, and advising on changes and advances that impact the Canadian regulatory environment and the engineering profession.
  7. Managing risks and opportunities associated with mobility of work and practitioners internationally.
  8. Fostering recognition of the value and contribution of the profession to society and sparking interest in the next generation of professionals.
  9. Promoting diversity and inclusivity in the profession that reflects Canadian society.
  10. Protecting any word(s), mark, design, slogan, or logo, or any literary, or other work, as the case may be, pertaining to the engineering profession or to its objects.

Our culture and values

Engineers Canada has been selected as a National Capital Region Top Employer since 2017, while in 2021 the organization earned a gold certification against the Excellence Canada framework for Excellence, Innovation, and Wellness. Part of this journey to excellence was an organization-wide collaboration on six defining values:

  • We take pride in creating a culture of teamwork and wellness.
  • We earn credibility through high-quality work.
  • We foster new ideas and embrace creative approaches.
  • We are transparent and accountable.
  • We create and sustain trusting relationships.
  • We rely on diverse people and perspectives to enrich our work.

These values weave through all aspects of our work and workplace culture, creating a trusting, open place where each person can contribute and thrive.

Keywords: Engineering, Association, Regulators, Accreditation


Contact Name: Cassandra Polyzou
Job Title: Manager, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Email Address: Cassandra.Polyzou@engineerscanada.ca
Phone Number: 1613-232-2474-235


Office Address
300- 55 Metcalfe St.
Orleans, ON
K1P 6L5, Canada